Little Rock 9

Scaffolding for Roles

Comparison / Contrast Scaffold Page

If this is your first time through, you'll want to read more about Comparison / Contrast before you begin. When you're ready, fill in the blanks to develop your comparison.

  1. What's the topic you want to compare and contrast?

        (for example: "online opinions about desegregation"
        or "local opinions gathered from polling")

  2. On a separate piece of paper, list the main opinions or perspectives you've found people have about desegregation and then list details beneath each main heading.
        (Do you want to see a detailed explanation?)

  3. Focus the list to two main viewpoints and type them below.
        (Do you want that detailed explanation yet?)

    Main Viewpoint #1

    Main Viewpoint #2

  4. Would most people think the opinions are more similar or different? Click the appropriate radio button below.

        Mostly Similar     Mostly Different

  5. What are the main ways these two viewpoints are similar or different. Remember Don't argue the obvious! So if you clicked "Mostly Similar" above, you will list interesting differences below. If you clicked "Mostly Different," you will list interesting similarities below.

    Interesting Similarity / Difference 1
    (Think of beginning with "both" or "neither")

    Interesting Similarity / Difference 2

    (Start with "both" or "neither")

    Interesting Similarity / Difference 3

    (Use "both" or "neither" to start)

    Your name:

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Created January, 1999
By Tom March, tom at ozline dot com

Applications Design Team/Wired Learning