ArtSpeak 101

ArtSpeak Terms , Definitions & Questions

Color - Visual sensation dependent on the reflection or absorption of light from a given surface ("hue," "value," and "intensity" being the primary characteristics).

How do you think color is used to create special effects?

Line - An identifiable path of a point moving in space. It can vary in width, direction, and length.

How do you think line creates a different feel to a work of art?

Value - Light and dark; the gradations of light and dark on the surface of objects

How do you think shading and lighting contribute to a work of art?

Shape & Form - A two-dimensional area or plane that may be organic or inorganic, free-form or geocentric, open or closed, natural or of human origin.

How do you think the shape or form of the main subjects in a painting contributes to the purpose or feeling?

Balance - An equilibrium of similar, opposing, or contrasting elements that together create a unity.

What do you think are the different ways artists use balance?

Texture - The surface quality of material, either actual (tactile) or visual.

How do you think the texture painters use contributes to the feeling or sense of an artwork?

Symmetry - A balance in which elements are alike and will appear to demand one another as a line that falls in one direction demands a line that falls in another direction.

Asymmetry - A balance achieved through the use of unequal parts or elements.

How do you think symmetry & asymmetry create different feelings in a painting?

Contrast - Use of opposites in close proximity (light and dark, rough and smooth).

How do you think contrast contributes to an artwork?

Rhythm - The regular repetition of particular forms or stresses; also, the suggestion of motion.

What special effects do you think rhythm brings to paintings?

Theme and Variation - Some dominant feature repeated with variations to give the work its dominant character.

How do you think theme and variation make paintings more interesting?

First Posted December 1995.
Last revised February, 2014
By Tom March, tom at ozline dot com